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About Us


In recent years, the phenomenon of existential depression has become increasingly common. People, whether rich or poor, all seek a truly free life. This is a time when, more than ever, the big question of human life is urgently posed: Who am I? What is the meaning of having a "me" existing in this world?


As life becomes increasingly short, karma unfolds rapidly, and natural and social phenomena signal a future that needs widespread change, there is one thing that those standing amidst impermanence suddenly contemplate: The value of living!


How to live so that every moment is a complete journey.

How to live so that when it's time to let go of the physical body, there are no regrets?

Living to enjoy the value of life. Or living to run out of breath following the workings of karma?

Is happiness obvious, or is it the luck of a lifetime?


Each era has its demands. In the current era, achieving flash success on the material surface is no longer too difficult, and the evolution of higher consciousness in each person is the true requirement of humanity.


In the depths of consciousness, where there is only myself and true life, I see present humanity in the fog of the mind, and a new humanity about to form with the brilliance of the light of the awakening era with intellectual depth - a different humanity, a new system of human concepts, an unspoken permeation together in the true source of life - a brilliant humanity with profound transformation and wisdom beyond words.


This widespread transformation has been seen by many enlightened intellectuals. The question is, how?


We know that it is difficult for a person to find their true journey. To go through all the paths on their own, to try out opportunities, each person may need hundreds of years to experience the full circle.


This is fine, but at a time when everything is opening up quickly, your call is the urgent requirement of the universe, then, raising self-awareness to listen to the true call yourself, to self-realize, to determine your own journey - a journey without a path but very clear and only you know well; a journey you walk on your own, actualizing what you are called to do... is the most basic and useful preparation, on the journey to find true living values.


Raising awareness, through going into oneself to understand all things, human life, is the closest and most practical path that everyone needs to go through to understand life, to see oneself clearly amidst impermanence and life and death.


We, who have self-realized and found the truth, found ourselves, amidst the myriad of reality and illusion of the vast journey today, have gone through all tools, experienced to the fullest all methods from basic to complex, from learning to self-experimenting, have seen the operation in this complex process, to open up entirely new means, to help you find and enjoy your own deeply personalized journey.


We are here to accompany you into the inner realm of each person, to experience deeply, and to recognize your own true dharma.


Finding the inherent wisdom within, to live a brilliant life full of freedom and value in every step!

The journey of Truth

Truth is not a vague surreal philosophy. Truth is not a level that only enlightened people can taste. Truth is the core of all existence and the foundation of all creation.

Humanity creates for itself and also immerses itself in its own mind. The mind is an achievement, also the final step of humanity to move away from its true core.

The veil of the human mind has become a dense matrix veil, which each soul is a creator weaving together.

This complex matrix is the vast collective unconscious, containing the unfinished experiences of hundreds of thousands of rebirths, billions of rich patterns and mechanisms that create human civilizations and cultures from formation until now.

Each person's dismantling has a great impact creating widespread results for all humanity. This is a profound realization I had when alone verifying in the matrix of humanity's great game.


Today, I call for elements with the same journey as mine to gather to lead the journey back for countless souls waiting for us to open the way.


To live a life without burden. To serve humanity by returning to oneself. To enjoy the journey back as brilliantly as when departing.

To change perceptions about spirituality, and make spirituality become a new, profound, and complete life.

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