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Responsibility or Cowardice

As long as there is belief, there is doubt

As long as there is light, there is darkness

As long as there is grievance, there is guilt

Taking responsibility is a kind of ability that comes from inner wisdom. It is a key factor in your journey of going with the flow. No matter what role you play, when you cannot take responsibility, it is the moment you lose yourself! It is not anyone or any force that can take you over, but the absence of this ability to take responsibility within you. That is the real reason for all your struggles and blame games! It is not external.

When you still think that someone is harming you, or there is some force making you suffer in this way or that way, it is when you lack self-wisdom. Only fear screams. Only desire writhes. Only irresponsibility blames. And only your own inner villain runs away, blaming some outside villain.

Wisdom simply provides you with the "seeing." If in a certain realization, you gain tranquility, it is just knowing—nothing more. That realization does not cause you to panic, does not create conflict within you, and nothing happens after that; it is just pure clarity! This realization does not produce any judgment, verdict, conclusion, or conviction within you; it is pure. It comes from wisdom!

But if a certain realization makes you feel satisfied, someone is at fault, someone is becoming the villain, causing all the turmoil and difficulty within you... suddenly, all your struggles vanish. Because from now on, there is a culprit! Instead of you, someone/something else has become the culprit, and your life is more relaxed. You step out of your difficult game with the mindset of having shed all anxiety. From now on, your anxiety has a culprit!

Suddenly, you become the good person. Your culprit becomes the bad one. Your anxiety disappears as if it never existed. Something inside you feels smug. Because: you are still good! You maintain the appearance of an angel, all the evil, the bad, the horrible things that arose during the recent experience now have your culprit taking responsibility!

I call this mindset a COWARD. This coward hides everywhere, from the coarse to the subtle within each of us.

Whenever your life is smooth, you can breathe normally, this coward plays nice, welcomes, and accepts.

Until you really face difficult situations, from anxiety to brutality, then this kind-hearted coward will find someone to play the villain to shirk all responsibility!

At this moment, bravery or cowardice will reveal itself!

At this moment, whether you take responsibility or struggle and blame, the truth within you will speak out.

The coward within you will show its true colors.

When you struggle to find someone to take responsibility for you! Someone will be found, blamed, to take the blame for the difficulties and dissatisfaction within you—it cannot be you!

Because you are always good. You are always right. And so you are always reluctant to take responsibility for the things that are not right, not good, not bright, not angelic within you when they happen!

For those who carry the seed of this COWARD within their consciousness, their journey to self-affirmation will never go beyond the safe zone they can see, know, explain, and accept. Just like a child who does not dare to play big games, their tendency to play with purchased toys will only revolve around the toys their parents bring home. The games that require them to think, create, dare to play, dare to take responsibility... become extremely difficult for these children.

A soul carrying the seed of a COWARD does not dare to face difficulties, does not dare to take responsibility for their life, and tends to play the same kind of game repeatedly, where they feel safe, they are puppets for the creators of the big game. Like a child feeling safe with purchased toys!

They stay there. And fit perfectly into the shoes made for cowards.

The darkness of the soul, in fact, is when you dive deep into the core seeds hidden in the subconscious, unseen by the naked eye. Dive deep into the place that creates all the pictures of your life!

If you are truly good, "bad karma" cannot manifest in you.

So if someone is triggering darkness, a terrible experience within you, even throwing you into a deep abyss, you are experiencing versions you never dared to think were "you"... Then, instead of blaming "someone/they" for planting this darkness in you, take 100% responsibility for yourself.

Only when you can truly take responsibility—not just talk about it as a trend—will you understand the part of the darkness operating within you.

In other words, when you insist on playing the victim of being harmed, you are still denying all the negative aspects within yourself! Then, you cannot understand the whole. The totality is still there—but you reject it.

You want one side.

You want peace. You want goodness. You want light. You want to change the entire situation of opposing aspects within yourself. You are doing the impossible!

Because you are the whole. You have good—then you have hidden evil within. You have external beauty—then you have hidden ugliness somewhere under the subtle layers. You are right—then you are also wrong. But you cannot accept yourself when the wrong happens within you. You fear the evil within you. You find a way to think that "someone is harming me."

Remember: nothing can come to you when you do not have the root of it within yourself!

So, in the process of discovering this core, if you still insist, "I am good—I am harmed," then this core will always be twisted, crumpled, hidden, buried. And unfortunately, the more you do that, the faster the fruit will ripen!

And only when you turn back and truly understand RESPONSIBILITY, this mindset will take you deep, and you will shine gloriously in every moment you touch your unique journey. Whether it is a path full of thorns or roses!

Remember who you are!

So what is true responsibility—not everyone has the wisdom to fully understand it.

And true responsibility is a non-verbal ability. Because it encompasses a vast expanse. For each type of situation you are experiencing, responsibility corresponds to a specific awareness and attitude.

So within the scope of this article, I will share the mindset of responsibility directly related to the aspect this article addresses.

Here, I am referring to the situation of the soul's darkness happening, you are experiencing extreme negative situations/emotions beyond what your consciousness can bear and are looking for someone to blame for this situation!

So in this case: Responsibility is "no one creates your experience but you!"

No perpetrator—you are not the victim.

No victim—no suffering.

No one causes anything in your life—but yourself.

So in this, responsibility is:

No blame—all aspects happening to you currently are enjoyed at the level of absorption, recognition, acceptance, and playfulness.

All these aspects include: the events, situations happening to you, the attitudes, emotions of yourself in this matter. You are experiencing pain or joy, you are seeing yourself struggling and screaming or feeling relaxed and calm... all are received and experienced purely by you. No one else is responsible for these emotions but you!

No perpetrator, you do not need a villain to ease your difficulties. In this mindset, you understand that this game is designed by you, there must be some root cause within you.

And the ultimate responsible person is yourself! All your attitudes towards the surroundings, towards the perpetrator you choose to offload the burden, are meaningless!

When this happens to you, all escape attempts are futile! The ultimate responsible mindset understands that avoiding this difficulty means it will return in one way or another, with this person or that...

The ultimate responsible mindset seeks to understand the root cause, not to find a solution to handle the problem.

Everything can be seen—when directly confronted. The responsible mindset helps you, no matter how difficult or stuck you are, go straight—directly—purely—into your storm!

In the place where the storm happens—that is where the highest truth lies.

No ocean crossing is easy.

Every consciousness transformation is a birthing process with yourself, for yourself.

When the storm comes, be like a leaf.

Whether it rises

or sinks to the bottom and decays

It does not blame why the storm made it fall.

No, it flows

Flows lightly no matter how big the storm is.

So when "the storm passes," the leaf still sees itself there.

It smiles, knowing the journey has passed!

Wishing the leaves successfully navigate the storm!


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