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Existential Helplessness

Over the past time, a long enough period for me to be deeply in the silent moments within myself, for the timeless journeys, their names long enough for a lifetime of exploration.

You, if not enough time for yourself, will not see the hidden corners life brings you. Each long journey, like an unanswered question, once fully recognized, you no longer need that question.

Time, like a pill, colorless, odorless, tasteless. Quietly sinking all emotions - if you avoid it. And thoroughly comprehending all issues if you go through it, by experiencing it to the fullest.

Da Lat - the land that supports all sinking and opens up all inward-directed reality.

When looking outward, we see that life’s difficulties are caused by some injustice. When looking inward, we understand that all branching, diverging of experience is due to our inability to face and break through a certain knot. This branching creates the repetition of several conditions, called loops.

There is a group of people, though potentially capable, sometimes fall into a situation of inaction. A situation of inhibited dilemma!

I call it the mechanism of existential helplessness!

There are common types of helplessness:

• Helplessness in understanding oneself: a mechanism that shields all issues arising from the ego, creating a state of being unable to self-diagnose one’s problems, unable to see through oneself. This state differs from living in the ego, and the ego is your voice. Different from the right time, these people have reached a point where they need to understand themselves, they try to go inward but can’t! Instead, they accumulate a series of philosophies about themselves, a thick layer of theory. This is not bad; it just hinders their true understanding of themselves. Besides, they are very capable of seeing through others. And they are fully aware of this state! Just can’t do anything about it.

• Financial - business helplessness: some people are given a natural ability, they understand the natural operation of money and the ability to convert value into money. Simply put, they have the capacity of a businessperson. These people even have many talents, and these talents can earn money. But their problem is very perplexing: they can’t live comfortably with those abilities. They often feel restless when creating a cash flow for themselves. I call this financial helplessness, business impotence. Of course, you will recognize many mistaken beliefs operating them - you think that removing those beliefs will help them. But no, I am talking about a mechanism, meaning it has a cause deeply hidden beyond the belief system. It is a karmic matrix.

• Helplessness in the journey back: no matter how hard they try, these people often get stuck somewhere on their journey they call returning. Returning to God, to the source, to the truth of this universe, to themselves. These people may unlock high abilities, broad intelligence, and success in material life. But when on the journey back for a while, they will encounter silent spaces, where they can quietly remain for life and stop their development here. If they return to life, they may still have enough fortune to flourish, but only limited to material life. Whenever they find the right path that can truly “bring them back,” they will stagnate for no reason.

• Mission helplessness: Everyone comes to this life with an excellently personalized journey. Whatever reason you come to this life, there is always a significant purpose, achieving it means you have fulfilled your mission. Some people carry a mechanism that creates an absolute barrier to their personal journey. Therefore, no matter how successful they are in any field, they still feel a silent lack. More severely, they may fall into emptiness - despite their achievements. Deep inside, they will have profound doubts: why do I exist? A few of these people, even when guided to their life’s mission, still feel they can’t step forward. The mission to them is a latent call that they can’t touch, although they are very aware of it.

• Love helplessness: the ultimate loneliness in love. They may have good relationships with anyone, anything, they may build many images for themselves: successful, beautiful, admirable… but in love, they are lonely. The more they love someone, the lonelier they feel! Love is an untouchable territory. They may have lovers, but they hardly have love. Love within them is also sealed into a private enclave, where all their life’s efforts become meaningless when touched. Love helplessness is a “disease” - it indeed creates a barrier for those with a journey back through love (twin flame journey). The more intense the urge for love in them, the harder it is for them to touch love! Some people, love helplessness creates a strong rejection whenever they fall into affection with someone.

• Spiritual helplessness: many people, after spiritual awakening, understand that they need to enter a spiritual practice, a spiritual process awaiting - you know this clearly. However, the deeper you go, the more obstacles you face. The desire for deep spiritual practice brings you to one realm after another, but a place that truly contains the special within you - you can’t find. Passing through many medicines, teachers, at some point, you have to leave. However, the big call within you never stops; it is relentless and craving. Maybe, you carry the mechanism of this existential helplessness!

• Basic life helplessness: some people, even basic normal living, is a problem.

• Loving helplessness: love is hard to occur within you. Even knowing that love is the only key to survival in some situations, you cannot give it.

• Forgiving helplessness: you want to forgive, but you can’t. Life continuously brings you problems, making forgiveness increasingly difficult for you to continue living. Problems do not end but repeat increasingly heavier. People/things that you should have forgiven still remain vividly in a hidden corner within you - never leaving. Then they recur more and more severely! You almost see yourself as the center of severe troubles. The more you forgive, the more pain you receive. Although you are fully aware: you truly forgive, not deceiving yourself.

• Giving helplessness

• Receiving helplessness

Any natural human ability can become helpless if your karmic system has this unique “helplessness circle” mechanism.

Most of these existential helplessnesses appear when a person has not gone the right soul journey they designed.

Existential helplessness will be resolved when the true life purpose is touched, and you truly open the genuine process of your life.


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